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硅谷 GrinCon 上为 Grin 矿工和投资者准备一手干货

来源: 互联网时间:2019-02-01 14:00:05

在上篇 (Grincon 技术汇总) 文章中,主要汇集了 Grincon 关于技术层面的讨论,对于非技术背景的读者而言恐怕不易理解。其实大多数人对于底层的技术,并不是特别关心,更在意如何参与到项目中去。Grincon 在后半段介绍了如何挖 Grin 以及投资人从投资的角度怎么看 Grin,相信这会是大多数人更感兴趣的地方。

原文标题:《关于首届硅谷 GrinCon 你想知道的一切(下篇)》

How to Mine Grin

如何挖 Grin, 这一块也许很多人都想知道。

会议中介绍和总结了挖矿相关的问题,并整理了 GPU 挖矿方面各类显卡的对比和分析。 非常详细,相信对挖矿设备感兴趣的同学会很有帮助。

硅谷 GrinCon 上为 Grin 矿工和投资者准备一手干货硅谷 GrinCon 上为 Grin 矿工和投资者准备一手干货硅谷 GrinCon 上为 Grin 矿工和投资者准备一手干货


硅谷 GrinCon 上为 Grin 矿工和投资者准备一手干货硅谷 GrinCon 上为 Grin 矿工和投资者准备一手干货

可以选择的 Grin 矿池:

硅谷 GrinCon 上为 Grin 矿工和投资者准备一手干货硅谷 GrinCon 上为 Grin 矿工和投资者准备一手干货

下面这几个矿池会把一部分挖出来的 Grin 捐赠给 Grin 开发团队,良心矿池!

硅谷 GrinCon 上为 Grin 矿工和投资者准备一手干货硅谷 GrinCon 上为 Grin 矿工和投资者准备一手干货


硅谷 GrinCon 上为 Grin 矿工和投资者准备一手干货

Mining Security and Operations

——Ivy Evans from HashRabbit

「The downside is there are risks associated with operating in unknown countries, especially if you’re not a local privy to the laws in that region. Things like unreliable electrical and internet infrastructure; corrupt governments, unpredictable weather outages or damage, and unruly landlords are just a few to mention.」

Investor Panel: Investing in Privacy Coins

在投资人的环节,Arianna and Rodolfo 介绍了自己基金中对于隐私货币的持仓量,非常关注隐私技术的进展。当然早期的隐私币也伴随着较高的风险,他们对于 Grin 的投资持谨慎乐观态度。

—— Arianna Simpson, Lily Liu, Rodolfo Gonzalez

Invest in Privacy coins is not like traditional Venture Capital, you need 5-10 years to exit. In Crypto, you can adjust your holding anytime.

  • Now privacy counts roughly as ⅓ of our portfolio
  • When trying to estimate the value of privacy coins, one approach is to use some proxy...like offshore banking
  • There are millions of potential drawbacks can be associated with investing in privacy coins… risks need to be assessed and they are at their very early stages

  • Grin isn't really investor friendly by design.

  • The winning privacy coin will be the one that gets the most real world adoption.
  • From a social perspective, there's a need for a privacy coin.
  • From an investment perspective, it seems that with BTC is assured to have value over time.
  • Privacy is a pretty attractive investment
  • Offshore banking funds might move into privacy coins.
  • Stability is important. How does crypto volatility affect usage?-Arianna says that Ethereum has enough to worry about without also worrying about privacy so stablecoins on it might not be great.
  • Arianna thinks that darknet markets are cool but not murder ones.
  • "Interesting shit comes out from illegal stuff."
  • Grin is exciting because of scalability. P2P aspect of Grin is cool too. And it's launch is cool/fair.


  • How do you acquire Grin in the early day as an investor?
  • Inflation makes it not as tasty for early investors

最后一张介绍了加入 Grin 社群的方式:

硅谷 GrinCon 上为 Grin 矿工和投资者准备一手干货


下半场的信息,是更多为对于 Grin 感兴趣的矿工和投资者所准备,希望这些信息对大家有所帮助。

Grin 算是 2019 年开年最值得关注的一个项目, 我们会密切关注 Grin 今后的进展。




