链眼深度访谈丨HyperQuant:机器人来袭!基于区块链与 AI 的量化金融平台
首页 > 币界资讯 > 区块链新闻 2018-07-17 16:40:28

开始这篇文章之前,我先介绍一下量化投资(Quantitative Investment),又称定量投资,它基本是一些证券投资分析师,投资机构,专业投资者必备的投资方式/工具,因为传统的人工分析往往受制于人性中的贪婪、恐惧、极度悲观、极度客观、和侥幸心理等弱点,而做出非理性决策,以此导致资产或利润受损。


瑞·达利欧(Ray Dalio)是世界最大对冲基金「桥水基金」的创始人,他本人也是华尔街投资巨鳄,他在《原则》这本书中就重点提到其训练的机器投资系统为桥水基金创造了非常丰厚的投资回报率,并且成功预测到 2008 世界经济危机等多个金融事件,可谓是战功显赫。


十分荣幸,我们这次邀请到了 HyperQuant CEO Pavel Pavchenko 做客链眼(www.lianyan.pro)访谈。话不多说,我们开始吧 :)

# 贴心小提示:以下提供英文和中文翻译两种语言,为了保证语言的纯正性和精确性,具有英文阅读能力者请以英文为准 #

Q:Thanks to HyperQuant CEO Pavel Pavchenko for the lianyan.pro interview, first of all, we introduce ourselves, lianyan.pro is a project reporting platform dedicated to exploring innovative block chain research. We will use interviews to help the block chain supporters understand the story and innovation behind block chain projects. Then, please introduce yourself and your team first?

非常荣幸 HyperQuant CEO Pavel Pavchenko 参与 链眼(www.lianyan.pro)访谈栏目,简单介绍一下我们,链眼(lianyan.pro)是一家致力于探索创新区块链研究的项目报告平台,我们将引用创新的访谈形式(社区可共同参与)来帮助区块链爱好者了解项目开发团队背后的故事与愿景,那么,请介绍一下你和你的团队吧?

A:Hello! Thank you for your interest!

We are a strong team of hard-working professionals that are obsessed with our mission. Everyone has long track record in his professional occupation – quant trading, risk management, blockchain, smart contracts, IT and development, marketing, economics, you name it.

You can read about our team and advisors on our website (https://hyperquant.net/en/team/)

Or see our introductionary videos: https://youtu.be/s3PQV5PReoo





Q:Why do you want to do the HyperQuant project? What is the innovation of HyperQuant ?

你们为什么要做 HyperQuant 这个项目?介绍一下 HyperQuant 的创新之处?

A:HyperQuant is a multifunctional platform for automated crypto trading, asset management and dApps creation that is based on the Fast Order Delivery protocol and blockchain technologies. It is made by professional quant traders who know capital management industry inside-out.

HyperQuant是一个基于快速订单交付协议和区块链技术的加密量化交易,资产管理和dApp创建的多功能金融平台。 它由专业的量化交易团队研发,这些研发人员从内到外都十分了解资本管理行业。

Q:We understand that HyperQuant's positioning is a multi-tiered financial technology platform whose core layer will be based on blockchain and artificial intelligence to provide investors with better quantitative trading strategies.Can you tell us about what you have done in blockchain and AI, and how have they achieved the any result?

我们了解到,HyperQuant 的定位是一个多层级金融科技平台,其核心层将基于区块链与人工智能相结合,为投资者提供更好的量化交易策略,那么可否介绍一下你们在区块链与 AI 方面做了哪些尝试,它们两者之间如何联系起来的,又取得了怎样的成绩?

A:In Hyperquant platform AI is used in several ways. First, to perform self-learning on the big data acquired from various sources within and out of the platform and so provide financial advisory.

Second, Artificial intelligence sets the rating for tokenized assets based on its own grading system. For a user, it can be presented in any comprehensive graphical way. Success is analysed on the basis of a wide range of criteria that exceeds the simple risk-profitability assessment methods.

As for the blockchain utilization, HyperQuant clients must be assured that all trading deals conducted by the robots within the platform are actual. The best solution is Ethereum blockchain - secure public ledger with the ability to store arbitrary hashes in state.

Wherein the direct recording of trading deal data drags two problems – revealing all trading data including trading strategies along with the inefficiency of blockchain`s capacity to store and process millions of trading transactions daily.

To solve this problems HyperQuant project utilizes the cryptographic proofs (merkle proofs) of existence. At the end of arbitrary period the list of operations is being formed, at that one of the columns contains constantly increasing identifier or timestamp to avoid leaks of repetitive deals occurrence. A merkle tree is built from the order hashes with the merkle root as a top hash of the tree.

As HyperQuant client has the access to his own orders, this root, along with rest of the merkle tree, provides mathematically perfect way to be sure that his data was the part of the clearing.

Using the power of immutable Ethereum blockchain and cryptographic proofs of knowledge (merkle proofs), the user of HyperQuant platform can audit his operations and be sure that all his actions were actually taken on the crypto exchange. Such system is also traffic and computationally efficient, so even if it has 1,000,000,000 orders daily, proofs will take only 1kb in size and require 30 hashing operations.



至于区块链的引入,HyperQuant 必须确保平台内机器人进行的所有交易都是真实有效的。最好的解决方案是使用公开透明的以太坊区块链,这是一个安全的公共分布账本,它能够在状态中存储任意哈希。

那么,大量数据交易记录直接导致了两个问题 - 披露了包括交易策略在内的所有交易数据,以及区块链每天存储和处理数百万交易交易的能力的低效。

为了解决这个问题,HyperQuant项目利用存在性加密证明(默克尔证明),在任一周期结束时,都可以生成数据列表,其中一列包含不断增加的标识符或时间戳,以避免重复交易发生。 默克尔树是从订单哈希构建的,其中默克尔根作为树的顶部哈希。



Q:Can you tell us about HyperQuant's three entry points: Match the trading platform, an algorithmic trading platform, and an AI wind control? What innovations do HyperQuant solutions have over traditional solutions?

可否为我们介绍一下 HyperQuant 的三个切入点:撮合交易平台、算法交易平台、AI风控?相较于传统解决方案,HyperQuant 的解决方案有哪些创新之处?

A:The core technology to match these three points – is the Fast Order Delivery protocol. It allows light-speed data transactions between different trading platforms. It works hundreds of times faster than similar solutions, which provides a significant competitive advantage for dApps and the services based on it.

这三个切入点,它们的核心技术以及解决方案是基于快速订单交付协议。 它允许不同交易平台之间的光速数据交易。 它的工作速度比类似的解决方案快数百倍,这为dApp和基于它的服务提供了显著的竞争优势。

Q:We know that the trading market, especially the encryption market, has great fluctuations because it involves a series of uncontrollable factors such as macroeconomics, market sentiment, and legal policies. The difference between each phase and the investor’s return is also significant. HyperQuant's algorithm Trading and quantifying transactions, how to ensure that the interests of investors maximize? How is your risk control model designed? What are the disadvantages of its current existence?

我们知道交易市场,尤其加密市场的波动极大,因为其涉及宏观经济,市场情绪,法律政策等一系列不可控因素,其每一阶段对投资者收益来说相差也是很大的,HyperQuant 的算法交易和量化交易,如何保证投资人利益最大化?你们的风控模型是怎样设计的?它当前又存在的弊端什么?

A:The trading algorithm design – is the main intellectual property, taking into the consideration that it could be easily “reverse engineered”. In addition to say, that the successful strategy, once copied, degrades very fast and gains as less profit as much it is copied. That is why we are speaking about dozens of trading algorithms with different strategies and tactics available within the platform. Also there will be a limit to the quantity of copies of the single algorithm.

As for risk control model we have a separate abstract regarding risk management and hedging.

I can copy it here if you want. But the main point, that user can utilize different trading algorithms with different strategies. Combining and tweaking aggressive of conservative strategies he is also able to design the overall performance.

We offer tree main features:

Hyper Fast: Fast Order Delivery protocol, it`s functions were described earlier.

Hyper Smart: All the components of the platform are managed by HyperQuant Artificial Intelligence and Risk Management system. It constantly evolves through machine learning based on the data accumulated within the protocol.

Hyper Secure: We use Merkle tree model and proof-of-existence principle to store data of the protocol transactions on Ethereum blockchain. This ensures system transparency and security.




Hyper Fast:快速订单交付协议,它的功能如前所述。

Hyper Smart:平台的所有组件均由HyperQuant人工智能和风险管理进行管理。它基于协议中积累的数据通过机器学习不断发展。

Hyper Secure:我们使用默克尔树模型和存在性证明原理来存储以太坊区块链上的协议事务数据。这确保了系统透明性和安全性。

Q:What is the quantitative investment yield of HyperQuant?s there an approximate range? What kind of profit rate did you get in your MPV (minimum viable product)?

可否介绍一下 HyperQuant 的量化收益率如何,在你们的 MPV(Minimum Viable Product 最小化可用产品)测试过程中取得了怎样的收益率?

A:We have numerous bots on testnet along with working ones. They are performing good. But we won`t tell in public about guaranteed investments, because we don`t like to look as a scam.

One of our projects – is trading algorithms, not selling the “profitability”



Q:We understand that HyperQuant started from the 2015 project and So far it has been researched and developed for a long time, including the Alpha version of the App that has now been released. Can we briefly describe the current functionality of this app?

我们了解到,HyperQuant 从2015 年已经项目立项,并研发至今,包括现在也已经发布了其 Alpha版本的 App,可否为我们简单介绍一下这个 App 当前的功能。

A:Front-end of the google app is ready for the google platform. Also we have fully functional trading algorithm which can be connected to the app, or other application (e.g. telegram) very fast. There are two options for application – manual trading and completely auto, telegram version has only manual trading mode.

More about our plans and the roadmap you can find here: https://hyperquant.net/en/roadmap/

我们的App已为谷歌平台做好准备(目前可以下载体验)。除此之外,我们还拥有功能齐备的交易算法,既能接入到App,也能迅速接入到其他应用(例如 telegram)。应用有两种交易模式——手动交易和自动(交易),而 telegram版本仅有手动交易模式。


Q:As a blockchain project, how is your economic model designed? What is the role and use of HyperQuant Token? What role does it play in HyperQuant?

作为区块链项目,你们的经济模型是怎么样设计的? HyperQuant 的 Token 用途有哪些?它在 HyperQuant 担当怎样的角色?


HQ economic model:

HyperQuant economic model considers the interests of all participants, including developers, users, analysts, financial institutions and the HyperQuant team.

Developers will receive a reward for providing, developing and adjustment of data, indicators and signals to the platform.

Interest of platform users will be protected by offering a levelled system of payment. In other words, it provides full functionality with a limited amount of funds, thus turning it into a classic software demo mode.

HQ Token:

HyperQuant issues utility tokens to create an internal economy inside the platform ecosystem. By issuing HyperQuant tokens (HQT), users can create a platform by themselves, to efficiently manage their capital. Every HQT Token holder will get different levels of access to products and solutions based on the HyperQuant platform and the amount of HQT tokens in possession.

Platform use cases:

The user installs the HyperQuant application to test the robot with a small amount of funds. It is possible with 2400 HQT (the fees and numbers here are given as a sample).

The token holder chooses any entry-level robot (for instance, the “Trend Hunter”) and obtains it for 400 HQT, holding 2000 HQT. Then, he can use this software with capital range of 0.1 – 0.5 BTC and test it for a couple of weeks.

If the user is satisfied with the result, he may want to increase the trusted amount of cryptocurrency. To get the second-level “Trend Hunter” software license (level 2), he needs to use 4000 HQT, holding 20,000 HQT.

HyperQuant 经济模型:



平台通过合理稳定的支付系统保护用户的利益。换句话说,平台通过有限的资金数额提供完整的功能,从而成为了经典的 software demo mode

HyperQuant 令牌:



用户安装HyperQuant应用程序,用少量的资金测试机器人。有可能使用2400 HQT(这里的费用和数字作为样本)。

令牌持有人选择任何入门级机器人(例如,“Trend Hunter”),需要400 HQT,持有2000 HQT。然后,他可以使用这个软件的资本范围为0.1-0.5 BTC,并在几周内测试它。

如果用户对结果感到满意,他可能想要增加加密货币的可信数量。为了获得二级“Trend Hunter”软件许可证(level 2),他需要使用4000 HQT,持有2万个HQT。

Q:We know that for HyperQuant, the more user bases, the more accurate the algorithm optimization, because artificial intelligence is a self-evolving process, how will you make a breakthrough in user growth and marketing, What are your plans in this area?

我们知道,对于 HyperQuant 来说,用户基数越多,其算法优化愈加精准,因为人工智能是一个自我不断进化的过程,你们将如何在用户增长和营销方面做出突破,你们的计划方便说一下吗?

A:We plan to utilize several waves of marketing campaigns targeting different audiences.

The accuracy of the AI algorithms and their self-learning processes are based on the Big Data gathered from the different exchanges and doesn’t depend on the quantity of platform users. So, it will work at full capacity from the very launch.


AI算法的准确性和其自我学习过程是基于不同交易所收集的大数据分析而成,并不依赖于平台用户的数量。 因此,它将从发布后将开始全力工作。

Q:For HyperQuant, we know that its underlying technologies require strong concurrency performance(TPS) support. At the same time, we understand that HyperQuant is based on Ethereum development. How do you improve the transaction performance at the technical level to meet your needs?

对于 HyperQuant 来说,我们知道其底层技术需要强有力的的并发性能(TPS)支撑,同时,我们了解到 HyperQuant 则是基于以太坊进行开发,你们是如何在技术层面提高其交易性能,以此满足你们的需要。

A:For inner platform project utilizes unique Fast Order Delivery protocol.

Fast Order Delivery protocol allows light-speed data transactions between different trading platforms. It works hundreds of times faster than similar solutions, which provides a significant competitive advantage for dApps and the services based on it.

However, HyperQuant clients must be assured that all trading deals conducted by the robots within the platform are actual. For that we use Merkle tree model and proof-of-existence principle to store protocol`s data transactions in the Ethereum blockchain. This ensures system transparency and security. The system itself is highly efficient in terms of traffic and computing, so even if it has 1,000,000,000 orders on a daily basis, the proofs will take only 1kb in size and require just 30 hashing operations.

We build a merkle tree from the order hashes and assign order list merkle root as a top hash of the tree. After some arbitrary period of time (i.e. at the end of the working day), the order list is formed. The merkle root is calculated and sent to the public Ethereum network for everlasting storage. Wherein anyone might privately hold the full order list, and users can get an access to the merkle proof of deal existence.



如上所说,HyperQuant 必须确保平台内机器人进行的所有交易都是真实有效的。为此,我们使用默克尔树模型和存在性证明原理将协议的数据存储在以太坊区块链中。这确保了系统的公开透明性和安全性。系统本身在流量和计算方面非常高效,因此即使每天有1,000,000,000个订单,证明只需要1kb的大小,只需要30次哈希操作。


Q:Describe the current progress of HyperQuant and the next plan and roadmap?

介绍一下 HyperQuant 的当前进展,以及下一步计划和路线图吧?

A:We are preparing to announce the Presale round so stay tuned to our newsletters.

You can see our roadmap and stages of the project development here: https://hyperquant.net/en/roadmap/



Q:What achievements and achievements have been made by HyperQuant? Can you share with us?

HyperQuant 取得过哪些成绩,可否与我们分享一下?

A:We have an active trading algorithms portfolio, utilizing our own funds, and trading on the major exchanges. There are different market strategies, mostly neutral. The trading is active from the beginning of the 2018 including the current bearish market. Most successful reached 300% profit indexes.

We have latest big news:

  1. HyperQuant joins the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA), the world’s largest open source blockchain initiative. As a member of the EEA, HyperQuant will collaborate with industry leaders in pursuit of ethereum-based enterprise technology best practices, open standards, and open-source reference architectures.

  2. KuCoin engineers and fintech developers from HyperQuant are going to work together to implement the international best practices to modernize Kucoin’s API protocol and make it the most advanced technological trading platform in the market. Furthermore, HyperQuant quant traders and KuCoin experts are planning to create professional crypto indexes together. An index methodology includes detailed description of indexes structure, rules for regular index readjustment and API support for working with them. The indexes allow cryptocurrency investors to perform wide diversification of their portfolio and better manage their risks.

  3. HQ was positively noted by Token Master a professional system for blockchain asset investment support

  4. Softcap was reached during the private sale round. Presale will start at the end of the July.

我们拥有积极活跃的交易算法组合,这其中包括我们利用自己的资金在主流交易所进行量化交易,我们有不同的市场策略,不过相对都是比较中立的,这种量化的交易方式从 2018 年开始交易,直到当前的熊市,其中取得过 300% 的收益率。






Q:Finally, I am very grateful to HyperQuant CEO Pavel Pavchenko for participating in this interview. Is there anything else you want to say to us and HyperQuant supporters?

最后,非常感谢 HyperQuant CEO Pavel Pavchenko 先生参与本次采访,最后还有什么话想对我们和 HyperQuant 支持者说的吗?

A:thank you

Thank you very much for our interest to our project. We believe that Chinese market is one of the most important for us. We feel faith and support from Chinese community and this is a great feeling! Thank you very much!



编辑/采访:Gootor(链眼 CEO)

受访嘉宾:Pavel Pavchenko(HyperQuant CEO)



版权声明:本文独家首发自「更专业的访谈式区块链项目报告平台」:链眼(www.lianyan.pro),原创文章。转载请务必注明来源及出处。其他咨询及合作联系:[email protected]








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