更新时间 · 22:32:27 作者:链上矿工567
币界网报道:Solana 是一个高性能公链,在目前的 Solana 生态内,既有 Tether、USDc、Chainlink、Terra 等在其他生态已经做的比较成熟的产品,也有 Serum、Raydium 、Oxygen 等 Solana 原生产品。和波卡一样,Solana 是一条强中心驱动的生态公链,这个中心就是FTX交易所和Sam。Solana背靠FTX交易所及其创始人Sam,并与其深度绑定。Solana及其生态的大部分资本运作、机构项目、用户流量,均是来自FTX交易所和Sam操盘。作为Sam的拳头资产,FTX+Solana+SRM,对标的是币安+BSC+CAKE。
币种名 美元价格$
$185.63 2.13% 857.2亿 -- $188.07 $179.35
$2.44 -0.36% 6.4亿 $6.61293 $2.50 $2.37
Akash Network
$3.29 4.62% 7.9亿 -- $3.39 $3.13
$0.11 4.98% 8755万 $0.1 $0.11 $0.10
Terra Classic
$0.00009 2.99% 4.7亿 -- $0.00 $0.00
$0.87 1.47% 7613万 $0.08 $0.88 $0.85
$0.27 6.69% 3858万 -- $0.29 $0.25
$0.15 2.9% 1.7亿 -- $0.15 $0.14
$0.03 2% 1171万 $0.11 $0.03 $0.03
10 KIN
$0.00001 -2.74% 3637万 $0.00012 $0.00 $0.00
11 ANC
Anchor Protocol
$0.01 9.42% 399万 -- $0.01 $0.01
Step Finance
$0.06 14.15% 2193万 -- $0.06 $0.05
13 OXY
$0.00663 -3.79% 134万 $0.1001 $0.01 $0.01
$0.01 1.84% 110万 -- $0.01 $0.01
$0.12 0% 5605万 -- $0.12 $0.12
  • DeFi
  • 去中心化交易所
  • 应用
  • 工具
  • 钱包
  • 数据
  • 基础设施
  • NFT
  • 跨链
  • SerumDex

    Faster, Cheaper and more Powerful DeFi

  • Oxygen

    Decentralized Prime Brokerage.

  • Ren

    Cross chain interoperability and liquidity.

  • Raydium

    An avenue for the evolution of DeFi.

  • Bonfida

    All in one platform for data driven crypto traders.

  • Terra

    Terra is a blockchain protocol that uses fiat-pegged stablecoins to power price-stable global payments systems.

  • RAMP

    Decentralized protocol that intends to boost DeFi adoption

  • Mango

    Decentralized, cross-margin trading up to 5x leverage.

  • PsyOptions

    Options on Solana.

  • Orca

    The DEX for people, not programs.

  • Synthetify

    A simple, decentralized protocol for synthetic assets build on solana

  • Solrise Finance

    Decentralized Non-Custodial Investment Funds on solana

  • Kin

    The Kin cryptocurrency is used as money within a digital ecosystem of consumer applications and services.

  • Serum Swap

    AMM Serum Swap On Sloana

  • Doce

    Doce Finance is a DEX with Swap built on Solana.

  • Traderdome

    Decentralized Exchange

  • StableSwap

    StableSwap brings Curve — the decentralized exchange liquidity pool — to Solana.

  • Lunadex

    Fast and Simple way to Trade Decentralized Assets

  • CryptoPlease

    CryptoPlease is a solution that puts the power of non-custodial P2P crypto spending and DeFi into the hands of everyone, through one smartphone app.

  • YMaxDex

    YMaxDex is a DeFi suite built on Serum.

  • Wormhole

    Wormhole is the first bidirectional bridge that connects Ethereum with Solana.

  • HUMAN Protocol

    Decentralized labor markets.

  • Solaris

    Solaris is a Lending/Borrowing protocol that brings Flashloans to Solana blockchain (inspired by Aave and Compound).

  • Aviata

    Aviata is an open-source Decentralized Automated Flight Cancellation Insurance protocol.

  • IdentitySwap

    An On-Chain DeFi Identity Gateway


    Blockchain monitoring and intelligence platform

  • SenSwap

    SenSwap is the first AMM built on Serum and Solana.

  • Solana Structured Products

    Multi-asset structured products connected via Serum.

  • dexlab

    dexlab is a decentralized derivatives exchange with trustless cross-chain trading.

  • Anchor

    Anchor is a savings protocol that aims to produce a simple and convenient savings product with broad appeal to everyday users.

  • Router Protocol

    Router Protocol, the best crosschain liquidity aggregator. The future of Smart Order Routing.

  • Hxro

    Hxro makes crypto markets tradeable like never before.

  • Solstarter

    Solstarter is the first IDO platform for Solana

  • SolaSystem


  • Solanium

    Redefining fundraising through decentralization.

  • Marinade

    The easiest way to stake your tokens.

  • SOLLock

    The Safest LaunchPad built on SOLANA

  • Jet Protocol

    A borrowing and lending protocol built on Solana.

  • unlimitedcope


  • Sollectify

    Sollectify is a creator-centric NFT marketplace

  • Lido

    Lido is a liquid staking solution

  • Nerve Finance

    Bridge assets & swap pegged assets with low slippage

  • SolFarm

    The Efficient Solana Yield Aggregator

  • Parrot

    A liquidity Network for Lending & Borrowing on Solana

  • Mercurial

    Dynamic Vaults for Stable Assets

  • Aurory

    Aurory, a gaming project powered by Solana and Serum

  • Soleon

    A fully-featured decentralized derivatives exchange with trustless cross-chain trading built on the Solana blockchain.

  • Syrup

    The first Meta Automated Market Maker (MAMM) on Solana.


    SOLAPE is a deflationary coin built on Solana Network. The APE is built to MOON!

  • Plutos Network

    Cross-Chain Derivative Issuance & Trading, Your One-Stop Marketplace for Crypto Derivatives

  • Zeta

    Revolutionizing Options Markets on DeFi

  • Apyswap

    APYSwap is a protocol for the decentralised exchange of shares of Tokenized Vaults.

  • Boca Chica

    New Cutting-edge IDO platform on Solana

  • Laguna Finance

    Solana's Premier Asset Management Ecosystem

  • Stacked Crypto

    Cryptocurrency investment platform. Instantly buy popular indices, manage your portfolio, and access trading algorithms.

  • YMAX

    YMAX is an Integrated Defi suite.

  • Cryptocurrencies.Ai

    Advanced trading made easy for every crypto trader. Exchange with built-in tools for automation, customization and performance analysis.

  • Oyster

    Money market on Solana

  • Port Finance

    Non-custodial liquidity protocol on Solana


    Lend to earn. Borrow with less.

  • Hedgehog

    Predict the Future

  • Fabric

    FABRIC brings tokenised synthetic assets using SPL Synthetics, swaps and verifiable oracles. Built on Solana.

  • Symmetry

    Decentralized Index Protocol and Portfolio Management Platform

  • Valholla

    Val-hölla is a DeFi kickstarter and investment platform.

  • Particle Finance

    Automate and optimize to get the best returns

  • Solend

    Solend is a money market protocol based on Solana, which can adjust automatic interest rates according to the supply and demand of funds. It allows users to mortgage assets in the protocol to obtain annualized income, or to lend assets and pay interest.

  • DAGG

    DAGG Is A Dex Aggregator on Solana, It Will Eventually Be A Cross-chain Aggregator.

  • OpenOcean

    OpenOcean is the first DeFi & CeFi full aggregator. We finds the best price and lowest slippage for traders by applying a deeply optimized intelligent routing algorithm. As one-stop entrance, we have aggregated ETH, ETH Layer2, BSC, TRON and Solana.

  • ROPE

    $ROPE is a full-scale decentralized ecosystem that brings the well known "market volatility index" to the crypto market.

  • Orakuru

    Community owned and operated Oracle.

  • Bole Token

    Semi-deflationary token built on the solana chain.

  • Zero Interest

    Borrow, interest-free.

  • Future Finance

    Fixed rate and swap contracts tokenized on DEX Serum.

  • DeFi Land

    Gamified Decentralized Finance.

  • Sypool

    Synthetic asset management protocol.

  • Everlend

    Built by AtticLab and Everstake.

  • Solanax

    Bridge For DeFi Evolution With Our Fastest Cross-Chain DEX.

  • Larix

    Larix — the lending protocol on the Solana blockchain, adopted a dynamic interest rate model and created more capital-efficient risk management pools, as such a broad selection of collateral types can be fully utilized in a safe way.

  • Coinmeca

    Coinmeca, The DeFi a hybrid of DEX and CEX with fast and low fees through Solana the high-performance blockchain. Coinmeca is an optimized market maker and making asset management efficiency through automatic liquidity distribution.

  • Saber

    Automated market maker for stable swaps.

  • Investin

    Decentralized fund management protocol

  • MatrixETF

    The Next Generation of ETF, Cross Chain Enabled.

  • Soldex.ai

    A Scalable & Decentralized Exchange. Soldex.ai will work on all market conditions 24/7 with emotionless machine-learning and neural network algorithms. It’s like hiring an expert to do crypto trading for you while you can sit back and watch.

  • Soul-lana

    Crosschain Defi, AMM, DEX and Gaming crossover

  • SunnyAggregator

    Solana's composable DeFi yield aggregator


    Decentralized fund raising for the Solana ecosystem

  • Solcubator

    Solcubator offers a secure and decentralized platform for projects seeking funding and incubation. Over time, the platform will evolve into a full-fledged ecosystem of various DeFi products, where the SOLC token will play a central role.

  • xHashtag

    xHashtag is a DEX to trade tokenized #hashtags

  • Springboard

    Springboard is a DAO where you can invest in Daults (Decentralised vaults governed by the community) and customized risk strategies to generate DeFi yield. Daults leverage those strategies.

  • DeFi Land

    Gamified Decentralized Finance

  • Allbridge

    Allbridge.io ($ABR) is a next-gen, modular, and simple-to-use bridge for cryptocurrency tokens and assets. It can connect any token to any chain due to the ground up modular design. Created by the APYSwap Foundation.

  • Solum

    Solum is envisioned to be a DeFi project with a whole array of staking/farming options. Built on Solana with its lightning-quick transactions and low gas fees, Solum makes DeFi experience completely effortless.

  • Cyclos

    The first AMM bringing concentrated liquidity to Solana

  • Marinade.Finance

    Marinade.finance is the first liquid staking protocol launched on Solana mainnet. You can stake your SOL tokens with Marinade using automatic staking strategies and receive "marinated SOL" tokens (mSOL) that you can use in decentralized finance (DeFi).

  • Boca Chica

    New Cutting-edge IDO platform

  • Solex

    Swap, earn, stack yields on one decentralized, community driven platform. Welcome home to Solana DeFi.

  • Ashera

    Meme token focused on developing tools to help #solana developers.

  • UPFI Network

    Stablecoin partially backed by collateral and partially stabilized algorithmically

  • SolRaca

    The Community Token on Solana Ecosystem!

  • UXD

    UXD is an algorithmic stablecoin, backed 100% by delta neutral position.

  • Acumen

    Acumen is a lending and borrowing protocol built natively on Solana using DeFi to power microfinance globally.

  • Katana

    The yield generation primitive for Solana

  • Drift

    Drift brings on-chain, cross-margined perpetual futures to Solana. Making futures DEXs the best way to trade.

  • Atrix

    Permissionless Liquidity and Farming

  • Almond

    Powering yield farming and core DeFi primitives

  • Jupiter Aggregator

    The best swap aggregator on Solana

  • Hawksight

    Yield-generating Indexes


    We're All Gonna Make It! We aim to bring a community focused DEX that contributes to charity.


    A serum-based Solana DEX built by apes, for other apes.

  • Oxbull

    The most progressive launchpad in the world

  • Solit

    Solit (SLT) is a small stocky wader and meme token. It is found on Solana.

  • Hubble Protocol

    Hubble: Democratizing DeFi on Solana Borrow against SOL, BTC, ETH, etc. for zero-interest: 110% Collateral ratio Earn 7% on deposits Mint USDH: One-time 0.5% fee Users earn: 99%+ fees, distributed in USDH 100% from liquidations POS yields

  • Penguin Finance

    We are a Liquidity as a service protocol

  • Trush

    Trush ensures a highly secured and user-friendly experience on the platform powered by the Solana Blockchain Technology. We are the next generation of DeFi by evolving cryptocurrency into reality.

  • JPool

    JPool is a stake pool on the Solana blockchain network enabling safe, secure, high-yield rewards on your staked SOL.

  • 1Sol

    Cross-chain DEX aggregator on Solana

  • AltCoffee - Buy me a coffee with Crypto

    Give people an easy way to say thanks with crypto. Buy me a coffee with Solana.

  • Solar bear

    Solarbear is a meme token built on solanar blockchain ecosystem with a limited supply of 10 billion tokens. Solarbear is a project that has the goal to become the largest operational platform in DeFi and the crypto-space as a whole.

  • Parasol Finance

    The First Community Governed IDO Platform on Solana.

  • Cry Coin (CRYY)

    Community-focused sad cat meme-token. Start into crypto world with ease!

  • NodeBunch

    NodeBunch is a futuristic AMM Dex Build on solana blockchain with the power of defi. Our swap, farming, staking and pool will be live soon. NodeBunch will be one of the unique and fast platform for launching new projects with NFT staking on web 3.0.

  • Atom Solana

    Atom Solana is meme token Experiment Chain

  • Swim Protocol

    Swim provides a simple way to transfer tokens across chains via multi-token liquidity pools and Solana's Wormhole.

  • Shiba Inu Solana

    The Shiba Inu was started how a meme token, but now we are growing and working on huge ecosystem.

  • Buff Samo

    The community and Solana are very supportive of Buff Samo on the Decentralized exchanges (DEX) Blockchain Solana

  • CODI Finance

    CODI is a fully decentralized exchange allows users to exchange virtual tokens, transfer funds easily between wallets, trade various cryptocurrencies, stake, and ensure market liquidity. By improving access to DEX services, decentralized exchange protocol.

  • NFT Genie

    Make a wish to NFT Genie and let your dreams become reality.

  • Space Puppy

    Space Puppy is Multichain Community driven token! We look out for our Puppy fam. Space Puppy is cute but with a lot of BITE!

  • SolanaPrime

    SolanaPrime is the primary market gateway, launchpad and accelerator for the next generation of DeFi, GameFi, and Metaverse dApps on the Solana ecosystem.

  • Nova Finance

    Nova is a programmable asset framework that allows people to access DeFi without having to learn complex financial management skills.

  • Palm Crypto

    Palm Crypto is a community built organization which aims to impact in reversing climate change in the MENA region and develop an extensive network of blockchain-based Projects on the Solana eco-system.

  • Degen Marketplace

    Degenerate Ape Academy’s community marketplace

  • UncleMine

    UncleMine is the first fundraising, DeFi & DAO platform backed by verifiable mining assets. UncleMine introduces physical and virtual mining assets into the on-chain ecosystem by ZKP VMA Oracle, enabling the infrastructure resources to circulate in Defi.

  • Sollama Utilities

    Sollama Utilities is a project born on the Solana blockchain with the mission to make it an easier experience to come and experience DeFi on Solana. Their cross chain NFT launch enables the Sollama Platform and decentralized tools for users and devs.

  • Helium

    The Helium Network represents a paradigm shift for decentralized wireless infrastructure.

  • SerumDex

    Faster, Cheaper and more Powerful DeFi

  • Raydium

    An avenue for the evolution of DeFi.

  • Bonfida

    All in one platform for data driven crypto traders.

  • Traderdome

    Decentralized Exchange

  • YMaxDex

    YMaxDex is a DeFi suite built on Serum.

  • dexlab

    dexlab is a decentralized derivatives exchange with trustless cross-chain trading.

  • Nerve Finance

    Bridge assets & swap pegged assets with low slippage

  • YMAX

    YMAX is an Integrated Defi suite.

  • Cryptocurrencies.Ai

    Advanced trading made easy for every crypto trader. Exchange with built-in tools for automation, customization and performance analysis.

  • Fabric

    FABRIC brings tokenised synthetic assets using SPL Synthetics, swaps and verifiable oracles. Built on Solana.

  • DAGG

    DAGG Is A Dex Aggregator on Solana, It Will Eventually Be A Cross-chain Aggregator.

  • OpenOcean

    OpenOcean is the first DeFi & CeFi full aggregator. We finds the best price and lowest slippage for traders by applying a deeply optimized intelligent routing algorithm. As one-stop entrance, we have aggregated ETH, ETH Layer2, BSC, TRON and Solana.

  • Solanax

    Bridge For DeFi Evolution With Our Fastest Cross-Chain DEX.

  • Coinmeca

    Coinmeca, The DeFi a hybrid of DEX and CEX with fast and low fees through Solana the high-performance blockchain. Coinmeca is an optimized market maker and making asset management efficiency through automatic liquidity distribution.

  • Soldex.ai

    A Scalable & Decentralized Exchange. Soldex.ai will work on all market conditions 24/7 with emotionless machine-learning and neural network algorithms. It’s like hiring an expert to do crypto trading for you while you can sit back and watch.

  • Soul-lana

    Crosschain Defi, AMM, DEX and Gaming crossover

  • Aver

    Decentralised orderbook betting markets powered by Serum on Solana

  • Cyclos

    The first AMM bringing concentrated liquidity to Solana

  • Solex

    Swap, earn, stack yields on one decentralized, community driven platform. Welcome home to Solana DeFi.

  • Ashera

    Meme token focused on developing tools to help #solana developers.

  • Drift

    Drift brings on-chain, cross-margined perpetual futures to Solana. Making futures DEXs the best way to trade.

  • Atrix

    Permissionless Liquidity and Farming

  • Jupiter Aggregator

    The best swap aggregator on Solana


    We're All Gonna Make It! We aim to bring a community focused DEX that contributes to charity.


    A serum-based Solana DEX built by apes, for other apes.

  • 1Sol

    Cross-chain DEX aggregator on Solana

  • NodeBunch

    NodeBunch is a futuristic AMM Dex Build on solana blockchain with the power of defi. Our swap, farming, staking and pool will be live soon. NodeBunch will be one of the unique and fast platform for launching new projects with NFT staking on web 3.0.

  • Swim Protocol

    Swim provides a simple way to transfer tokens across chains via multi-token liquidity pools and Solana's Wormhole.

  • CODI Finance

    CODI is a fully decentralized exchange allows users to exchange virtual tokens, transfer funds easily between wallets, trade various cryptocurrencies, stake, and ensure market liquidity. By improving access to DEX services, decentralized exchange protocol.

  • MAPS

    Maps.me 2.0 is the ultimate travel companion and your passport to the new financial system

  • Civic

    Giving businesses and individuals the tools to control and protect identities.

  • Jabber

    Decentralized and secure instant messenger built on solana

  • Solana Fantasy

    Fantasy Football Dapp on Solana

  • TrustFi Network

    TrustFi Network is a decentralized DeFi market liquidity promotion and DAO incentive solution built on web 3.0 and support for Solona, centering on the liquidity of on-chain assets, to unlock the potential of DeFi market liquidity.

  • Bitspawn Protocol

    Bitspawn is a layer-2 gaming blockchain protocol built to support the 2+ billion gamers by building new monetization streams for them to access.

  • Media Foundation

    A Peer-to-Peer Content Delivery Network.

  • Satellite.im

    Multiplatform Messaging, Trackers Not Included. Satellite gives you peace of mind with end-to-end encryption without sacrificing quality. Stream in 4k, chat in 500kbs+, share 10GB files.

  • Crowny

    Receive rewards for engaging with offers you like, from brands you love!

  • SolDoge

    it's DOGE powered by the Solana Ecosystem.

  • Samoyedcoin (SAMO)

    Solana’s memecoin

  • RECO

    Reboot ECO project intends to reboot the economy through the distribution of RECO Tokens via B2B & B2C invoices. Solana blockchain has been chosen as it's solving the scalability trilemma.

  • Bole Token

    Bole is a semideflationary token built on the Solana chain

  • SolPAD

    The first launchpad on Solana Ecosystem

  • Lava Cash

    A decentralized privacy preservation protocol built for the Solana blockchain.

  • Holdana Official

    Holdana is a community-driven token built on Solana Ecosystem.

  • Boring Protocol

    Boring a private path through the Internet

  • RunNode

    RunNode is a scaling solution built for solana developers powered by $RUN. Easily build, launch and scale your project through our developer API.

  • Chief Operating Officer

    Project SEED is a gaming platforms built on solana blockchain. Project SEED ecosystem includes a Game Studio, DEX. NFT marketplace, and a wallet. Project SEED aims to bring one of the world's first blockchain gaming to players' mobile phones and devices.

  • Sonar

    Track all your assets simply by providing your public key

  • Solster Finance

    Solster Finance is an ecosystem that helps investors to diversify their decentralized finances. Solster IDO Launchpad is a decentralized platform for fundraising which is built on the Solana blockchain with guaranteed token allocation to participants.

  • Project SEED

    Project SEED is an on-chain A-RPG game app designed to bring players a DAO virtual world that features an action based battle system with cooperative multiplayer mode and uses NFT & DeFi monetization.

  • Switchboard

    Community curated oracle network on Solana.

  • Scallop

    Defi game on Solana, stake to win tokens and NFTs✨

  • Solclout

    Social DeFi Platform built on Solana.

  • Solarium

    A fully decentralised, end-to-end encrypted instant messenger on the Solana blockchain.

  • Solcubator

    Solcubator aims to drive the expansion and adoption of the Solana ecosystem by providing a secure and decentralized platform for projects seeking funding and incubation and for investors to filter the value-added projects as it’s community-driven.

  • Bitspawn

    Building digital infrastructure for gamers. Bitspawn is a gaming blockchain protocol built for mainstream adoption

  • Chikin

    Disrupting the chicken society through decentralization More than 25 billion chickens alive in the world, and yet none of them have access to basic financial services. The CHIKIN project was born in the head of an angry serama chicken.

  • Let Me Speak

    Language learning metaverse / Earn while you Learn

  • Aver

    Decentralised orderbook betting markets powered by Serum on Solana


    Solbear is a meme token built on solana blockchain with a limited supply of 10billion, it have a goal to become the largest operational platform in DeFi and the crypto space as a whole

  • Samusky

    Solana's First Staking Available Meme Token

  • Mickey

    Mickey ($MCK) is a community-focused, decentralized cryptocurrency with instant rewards thanks to active users!

  • Qwestive

    Mutually beneficial content for the community and its creators - Blockchain based community management platform

  • SolShark

    SolShark ($SSK) is Solana’s meme coin, aiming to be community-owned and fun.


    STEPN is a Web3 running app with fun social and game elements.

  • Solect

    Solana NFT gallery. Showcase your Solana NFTs in a clean, simplisitc and modern gallery and share it with the community. 100% free.

  • Solaunch

    The first contagious IDO platform on Solana

  • Code&Jobs

    Code&Jobs designed a network to help recruiters, business and blockchain startup owners to find skilled professionals, and the candidates in search for a job that suits them to find it, while letting them have a way to share their experience and skills.

  • NextMoon

    The first metaverse on Solana mirroring the 1:1 Moon in 3D with Virtual Land NFTs. Users can explore and interact freely on this 3D lunar surface. Virtual land owners can enjoy passive income generated from the economic activities in this metaverse.

  • Parcl

    Invest in the future of real estate

  • Triton Station

    Triton Station is a platform for social interaction using Solana blockchain technology. Triton Station is being created by passionate and committed team fascinated by new web technologies. Play games, invest in NFT assets, win and trade TRTN Tokens.

  • RadRugs - NFT Audit Agency

    RadRugs is the leading multi-chain NFT audit provider and security research platform.

  • Mindland


  • Victory of Sucker

    We're living in a crazily stressful world and that is why we need to create this gaming project. The Victory of Sucker is a new breed of mobile phone game that lets you immerse into an alternate universe where losers or suckers can be heroes too!

  • Theca

    Theca ecosystem, based on blockchain, is designed to protect and promote the copyright of all works that can be kept in a physical library.

  • Teleport

    Teleport is the first mobile client for The Rideshare Protocol (TRIP).

  • Pet Legends

    Pet Legends - a mobile Roblox-like pet battler, revitalizes the $16 billion pet token market with engaging multiplayer, play-to-earn, spending, and 3D summoning.

  • ChainLink

    Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that solves interoperability issues for blockchain smart contracts.

  • The Graph

    APIs for a vibrant decentralized future

  • Aleph.im

    Universal layer-2 platform.

  • Akash Network

    Open, decentralized marketplace and a deployment platform for cloud compute.

  • Solana Beach

    Explore the Solana blockchain: statistics, validators, token metrics and more.

  • SolGSN

    SolGSN is a gas station implementation for Solana.

  • Step Finance

    The front page of Solana. Visualise, Analyse, Execute and Aggregate transactions across all Solana contracts in one place.

  • rpc pool

    Fast and reliable Solana RPC

  • Vite

    Vite <-> Solana bridge

  • Polarity

    Building a community-owned & decentralized advertising network on Solana

  • MetaSol

    Transfer SPL tokens without holding SOL in your wallet!

  • apeXit

    A solana on-chain risk management tool launching soon.

  • Steaking

    Making Solana Staking Simple and More Rewarding. Coming soon.

  • Surf

    Manage all of your Solana assets in one place

  • Solscan.io

    The user-friendly and real-time update Scanning Tool for the Solana Ecosystem.

  • Solstake

    Staking SOL should be easy.

  • SendIt

    Send your Solana portfolio to the moon

  • Neon

    Neon enables dApp developers to use Ethereum tooling to scale and get access to liquidity on Solana

  • Ratio Finance

    Unlocking Solana’s Liquidity.

  • Velas

    Velas is Artificial Intuition-operated DPoS Blockchain and Ecosystem for secure, interoperable, extremely scalable transactions

  • staketax

    Solana CSVs for tax season.

  • QuickNode

    Blockchain nodes for dApps & devs. Access SOL via API. Infra & tools to build + scale your #Web3 app.

  • Solerscan

    Another Scanning Tool for the Solana Ecosystem

  • SolanaFM

    Solana's Data explained with GraphQL

  • MyWish platform

    The leading smart contract generator, providing zero coding solutions for crypto assets creation and management.

  • Nansen

    Nansen is a blockchain analytics platform that enriches on-chain data with millions of wallet labels. Crypto investors use Nansen to discover opportunities, perform due diligence and defend their portfolios with our real-time dashboards and alerts.

  • viewsolana

    View Solana: Alpha Alerts - Track top Solana traders, transaction analytics, and more!

  • draffle

    Roll up to the dRaffle Luck Club

  • Mean Fi

    MeanFi offers everyday banking workflows and real-time finance to crypto and DeFi. Asset and risk management tools- multisigs, treasuries, payroll, token vesting, payments and collections

  • HelloMoon.io - Solana NFT & DeFi Explorer

    Hello Moon is a human readable index of Solana that translates complex on-chain data into simple dashboards for exploring top NFT projects, DeFi tokens and protocols.

  • Unique Venture Clubs

    Unique Venture Clubs (Unique.vc) is a platform that allows people to quickly and securely pool resources, establish customizable on-chain governance structures and collectively own assets without knowing a single line of code.

  • Nansen Portfolio

    Portfolio tracker with coverage of 476 protocols over 42 chains such as Ethereum, Solana, and Cosmos (more will come!)

  • Chainstack

    The leading suite of services connecting developers with Web3 infrastructure, powering applications in DeFi, NFT, gaming, analytics, and everything in between.

  • Mirror World Smart SDK

    A Web3 infrastructure project aiming to help developers step out of the walled garden of App Store and Google Play.Our tools included seamless social login and SSO, native in-app wallet for easy transactions and marketplace for highest conversion.

  • BlockSurvey

    Web 3 forms & surveys. Alternative to Typeform, Google Form, SurveyMonkey.


    The First AI-Powered Launchpad Built On Solana

  • CoinFactory

    CoinFactory is an ERC20&BEP20 and Solana Tokens Generator allowing anyone to deploy mintable, burnable and other customized smart-contracts from your browser without writing code.

  • MATH Wallet

    MathWallet is a multi-chain wallet that supported 60+ blockchains including BTC, ETH, Polkadot, Filecoin, Solana, BinanceChain etc and covers more than 1.2M users.

  • Frontier

    A Chain-Agnostic DeFi Aggregation Layer.

  • Phantom

    A digital wallet reimagined for DeFi.

  • Solong

    Solong is a browser extension that allows users to interact with Solana or Serum applications.

  • Solflare

    SolFlare is a community-created web wallet built specifically for Solana.

  • Coin98

    Coin98 is a non-custodial crypto wallet and payments gateway that supports SOL and SPL tokens.

  • Sollet

    Sollet is a Solana wallet with support for SPL tokens and an integration with Serum.

  • Magic

    Magic is integrating their SDK into Solana to provide easy-to-use alternatives to web3 wallets (i.e. MetaMask) for end-users and developers.

  • Ledger

    The Ledger Nano X and Nano S support the SOL token.

  • Trust Wallet

    Trust Wallet is an app available for iOS and Android and can be used to send and receive SOL tokens.

  • Torus

    Torus provides one-click logins for DApps. Users are able to log onto DApps with their Google, Facebook, Reddit, Discord and Twitch accounts in a single step

  • P2P Wallet

    The P2P Org team built a bundle of open source Solana wallet implementations.

  • Atomic

    Atomic is a non-custodial crypto wallet and payments gateway that supports SOL and SPL tokens.

  • Zelcore Platform

    Multi-currency, non-custodial app for desktop/iOS/Android | Built-in Serum DEX UI, dapps connection, SOL & all SPL token support, 17+ native languages supported, and more.

  • Slope

    Building the Decentralized Exchange for Communities

  • Blocto

    An integrated cross-chain wallet service.

  • yiToken

    yiToken is a decentralized multi-chain cryptocurrency and NFT wallet which supports chains such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, BSC, Heco, OKExChain, Polygon, Solana.

  • SafePal

    SafePal is a non-custodial wallet that provides a secure and user-friendly crypto management portal for the masses to store, manage, swap, trade, and grow their crypto wealth.

  • MoonletWallet

    MoonletWallet is a non-custodial virtual asset wallet that enables crypto enthusiasts to securely manage, stake and swap SOL and SPL tokens.

  • Simplio

    Simplio is a cryptocurrency ecosystem, which aggregates and simplifies the services necessary to manage, hold, swap, buy and sell any digital asset in one user-focused and easy to use platform.

  • NuFi

    A non-custodial crypto wealth management platform for Solana (SOL), PoS blockchains and digital assets

  • Boxch

    Boxch is free application web wallet for your NFT and Metaverse. You can send and receive tokens without commission fees. Boxch is built on Solana. The app's utility coin is Naxar, based on the Solana blockchain.

  • PocketPay Finance

    Solana wallet supercharged with SolanaPay and eCommerce ability

  • Saifu Wallet - Solana Power-Wallet

    Saifu is the modular Solana wallet for Pro-Users with a plugin system, made for people that live in Web3 by people that do the same.

  • Band Protocol

    Toolkit for making token-powered communities.

  • dFuse

    dFuse is implementing their API solution into Solana to allow developers to build and maintain performant applications with ease on top of the protocol.

  • Pyth

    Pyth is designed to bring real-world data on-chain on a sub-second timescale.

  • Soladex

    Beginner friendly guides to help you navigate the Solana ecosystem. Discover the best of Solana at Soladex.io

  • Hivemapper

    The world's freshest map data. Trusted by innovators across mapping, automotive, logistics and more.

  • Waves

    The fastest blockchain platform with real-world solutions.

  • Solana


  • Tether

    USDt is coming to the Solana ecosystem: Tether’s technical integration will integrate the largest stablecoin by market capitalization and enable exchange at an unprecedented speed.

  • USDC

    USDC for Solana is now available on mainnet, and Circle will bring comprehensive support for Solana across its suite of platform services and APIs in Q4.

  • Blocklogic

    The Solana Explorer allows users to look up transactions and accounts on the various Solana clusters.

  • Mithraic Labs

    The Mithraic Oracle protocol is currently centralized using a Trusted Third Party architecture. There's a lot more we'd like to add to this protocol in order to make it more flexible and eventually decentralized!

  • Grape Protocol

    GRAPE is a protocol for building token-based membership communities on the Solana blockchain

  • Atellix.Network

    Merchant API for online shopping carts to enable Solana payment flow.

  • Tiny SPL

    Tiny SPL utilizes state compression to enable ownership of Solana tokens without incurring rent fees.

  • Audius

    The artist-owned streaming community with no rules.

  • Metamarket

    MetaMarket is a Serum DEX with NFT minting and listing with interoperability incentives.

  • Star Atlas

    Star Atlas has selected Solana as the protocol to build out its blockchain-driven massively multi player metaverse.

  • Solible

    Solible is an NFT exchange built on Project Serum.

  • Solarians

    The first generative NFTs on Solana.

  • Zoints

    The Creator's Network

  • Burnt Finance

    A fully decentralized auction protocol built on Solana

  • OpenEra

    MMO RPG game on Solana

  • Solv Protocol

    Solv Protocol is the decentralized infrastructure for creating and trading Financial NFTs

  • Nina

    decentralized music distribution service

  • Only1

    The First NFT-Powered Social Engagement Platform Built on Solana.

  • All-Art

    The new standard for NFT AMM #Liquidity Pools and Art NFTs running on Solana

  • Francium

    Francium is an innovative leveraged yield aggregator built on Solana. Francium brings users with continuous high APY through diverse community strategies.

  • Metaplex

    Metaplex empowers creators and brands to build a direct relationship with their audiences. Ultra-fast NFTs with insanely low minting fees, only possible on Solana.

  • Wum.bo

    Bringing creator coins to a social network near you.

  • Kermit Finance

    Interoperable and Decentralised, Exchange and NFT Marketplace on Solana.

  • Kurobi

    The Video platform for experts powered by the Solana blockchain.

  • SolPunks

    Punks on Solana.

  • Uniforge

    Stop Minting, Start Forging.

  • Coral Reef

    NFT marketplace by artists for artists. Built on Solana, powered by Metaplex.

  • Bubl

    Decentralized event hosting and ticketing built on the solana blockchain

  • Circlepod

    Circlepod, Next Generation Podcast combined with NFT and Solana, creates more interactivity and entertainment. Connect fans and creative value through blockchain technology creates a good copyright and subscription ecosystem through data and AI.

  • Solanart

    Building the #NFT marketplace for #Solana

  • Bold Badgers

    The Bold Badgers Squad is a collection of 10,000 unique Bold Badgers NFT having built their burrow on the Solana blockchain.

  • SolSea

    Open NFT Marketplace

  • howrare

    How rare is your Solana NFT?

  • arex gallery

    The algorithmic art gallery on Solana. We are launching our Arex Collection very soon

  • Degen Lizzy NFT

    Hailing from the wild wild west, Degen Lizzy is a collection of 10000 distinct moods of a chameleon, who is looking for his rightful partner to take on his next mission. Built on Solana Blockchain.

  • SOLoot (for Adventurers)

    SOLoot is the first expansion of the Metaverse on Solana of the popular NFT Loot (for Adventurers) Grab your own Loot Bag and get ready for a wild ride on Solana

  • A-tun NFT

    "A-tun NFT" is not only a unique NFT series originally created by voxel artist katxii, Each "A-tun NFT" will have a 10% probability of receiving an SOL airdrop after the new batch of NFT is sold out.

  • Funky Fruits

    Funky Fruits are a series of 10,000 randomly generated characters created by an eccentric scientist with quite the green thumb. The NFTs are part of a Play to Earn metaverse involving competitive games such as live trivia.

  • Solorigins

    1500 Artworks generated by a GAN trained on the combination of hundreds of abstract patterns and original abstract drawings by Solorigins team.

  • Bored Ape Exiled Club

    Bored Apes Exiled Club in #Solana we are a tribute and a unique extension, rejected from the ETH, we get tired of the high fee costs.


    SOLKITTY.IO offers a social network experience with every post being a real genuine NFT powered by the Solana Blockchain

  • Kartel

    Kartel is a storyline driven collectible NFT game where the NFT's can also be used for collector perks.

  • Crypto Astronuts

    Crypto Astronuts has blended the best of both worlds into a single integrated gaming platform that allows you to own and play with 10000 unique NFT valuables in a virtual environment.

  • SolChicks

    Collect, breed and train your very own SolChick. Test your skills and verse other SolChicks in a one-on-one skirmish to strengthen your SolChick. Grandmaster SolChicks can engage in co-op battles and raid against difficult enemies standing in their way.

  • Soltato

    Meet Soltatos! The first animated algorithmically generated collectible on the Solana Blockchain. Paired with the native utility and governance token of Soltato, $FRIES. $FRIES will be airdropped to Soltato NFT holders weekly to reward loyal fans!

  • Zeitgeist

    Art meets utility on Solana

  • Inexplicables NFT

    There are so many inexplicable entities discovered by the human race over the years. They have studied us and have adapted to the way we live. Collectively, we call them the inexplicables and some of them are about to join the Solana space.

  • Space Clucks

    Space Clucks is The World's First NFT Feature Film, coming soon to the Solana blockchain.

  • Whalebe - More Than NFT Collection

    Whalebe is a collection of 2500 unique digital arts stored on the Solana Blockchain

  • Banksea

    Banksea Finance built the first NFT AI Oracle protocol and NFT Pool-based lending platform, where lenders put assets into the fund pool for yield while borrowers collateralize NFT and evaluate mortgage rate and interest rate to complete the transaction.

  • Autonomous Scoop Shop

    4,848 cool and delicious treats staying frosty on the Solana blockchain.

  • SolWarriors

    SolWarriors are 5555 unique warriors of the Kingdom of Solana. If you want to become a real Solana Warrior, Join to Solwarriors. In this adventure, Play to Earn game and, comic book in which you can decide the fates of the characters, are waiting for you.

  • SkinFlip

    Gaming NFT Marketplace

  • Somnium

    We are an open, social & persistent #VR platform built on #blockchain. Build, import #NFTs & instantly explore. Metaverse shaped entirely by players!

  • Gridlock

    Gridlock, the most secure crypto wallet app, is celebrating its upcoming integration with Solana by giving away a free NFT to the first 1000 people to sign up to the waitlist!

  • Wind metaverse

    WIND First AI powered Metaverse build on Solana and Arweave.

  • Steel & Spells Online RPG

    Welcome to Steel & Spells Multi-User Dungeon game with fully Open World. This is a text online RPG with some modern features like GUI web interface. NFTs with Backpacks filled in-game gear and pre-build Heroes. Get ready for a exciting journey!

  • Realy

    CREATE, COLLECT AND TRADE valuable NFT assets of the New Luxury

  • Holaplex

    Our mission is to empower creators and collectors by building a suite of integrated tools to mint, discover, and sell NFTs.

  • Genopets

    The world's first Move-to-Earn NFT Game

  • The Penguins

    4,444 unique algorithmically generated Penguin NFTs living on the #Solana blockchain.

  • Alpha Guardians

    ‍The battle lines are drawn,LDX Generals and their legions are ready. Their voices are already legendary. Now is the time. With our mighty Davemaoite Shards in our possession, we are your protectors, we are Alpha Guardians.

  • meta-fund.io

    Meta-fund.io is a French startup that wants to create a bridge between project holders in the gaming, tech and metaverse sectors on the one hand, and investors in the cryptoassets sector on the other.

  • fractal

    in-game assets and virtual worlds


    KITTY SOLANA Is meme token with many utility build on solana blockchain

  • SolSociety NFT Game

    Connect to the game with your NFT Citizens! The game will have play to earn and passive earning options. You will be able to talk with other citizens, play at arcade games, buy property, and more. Mints December 31, 2021 for 0.75 SOL. Join us!

  • Musk Doge

    Musk Doge is a Solana Ecosystem based meme token, built to establish a chain between meme tokens, dex projects, launchpads and esspecially with its community. Primarily focused a perfect friendship between other Solana Projects…

  • Tsunami Protocol

    Chain-agnostic metaverse infrastructure. Content NFT market & storage solution. Taking decentralized storage mainstream. Expanding the bounds for what is possible for NFTs.

  • MixMob

    A P2E game on remix culture

  • UNQClub

    UNQ Club - one-click ownership DAOs for NFT collectors and beyond

  • Alpha Guardians

    The alphaguardians are a collection of 6000 sophisticated fighting bots built to save the remains of the human civilization

  • Achiefy

    Achiefy is the world's first one-of-its-kind blockchain platform where gamers can organize and participate in video games activities such as challenges, events, tournaments, and duels, collect achievements, get reagents and craft unique NFTs.

  • Clash of Cars

    Clash of Cars is an NFT racing game where you must be the first to cross the finish line, using your skills and strategies.

  • Cartoon Cartel

    Three factions, one mission, save the world. The project is more than art, it’s an entire digital & physical experience being created which you can gain access to through owning the NFTs.

  • Solana Bird

    Solana birds is a Solana based token built to focus on birds extinction and challenges faced around them and educating community about birds.

  • Floki Baby

    Floki Baby FLB is a token inspired from Elon Musk wishing to name his baby pet Floki.

  • West Park Gangsters Society

    Solana Block exclusive 842 Gangster NFT collection

  • Solana Tiger

    Solana tiger is a meme token built on solana ecosystem with a goal to fulfill the needs of its investors by building a strong community and friendly relations between other project on solana Blockchain.

  • SolSnake

    SolSnake is a meme token built on Solana Blockchain to maintain a balance in the ecosystem.

  • SolCity

    SolCity is an impressive 3D NFT collection created on the best blockchain Solana. Includes 10,000 generated unique NFTs.

  • _PixusMetaverse

    _Pixusmetaverse collects all kind of Corona Pixus, Climate Pixus, Pixus World NFTs with a passion to make the world a better place

  • Yaksa - The Enormous

    2,222 generative NFTs and the second collection of The Yaksa. We aim to develop utilities for Solana people, and our first utility is http://space.yaksa.io, a free NFT gallery website for everyone to share NFTs with their friends.


    Toy Poodle Coin ($TPC) is a Solana-based NFT project, a new generation of memes.

  • CryptoConesNFT

    Icons aren’t born, they’re created, and it doesn’t get any more iconic than CryptoCones.


    Geo-Based Minting, Land, and AR, developed with usable NFTs

  • Formfunction

    1/1 NFT Market on SOLANA

  • Yaksa - The Enormous

    1,111 generative NFTs and the second collection of The Yaksa.

  • Wild Fat Cats

    7,777 Wild Fat Cats featured on a decentralized animated series on the Solana Blockchain. NFT holders will be granted both Metaverse VR utilities and exclusive voting rights to incorporate additional Solana NFT characters into the future animated series.

  • The Pristine NFT

    The Pristine is the first NFT luxury watches brand. Immerge yourself in luxury with this collection of 5000 unique watches collectible and wearable in the Metaverse, making them an unparralleled investment.

  • Nftbucket

    Create your own Solana NFT Gallery

  • Seed Society

    The first growable NFTs that evolve as you water them on-chain. ? Water your plant NFT to maturity on Solana with a community of gardeners. If your plant doesn't reach maturity it will permanently wither. Plants watered by others grow faster.

  • Pixeland Studios | Settlers of Solana

    The ever popular game of Catan is coming to Solana! It’s getting a fresh coat of pixel perfection and drizzled with smartcontract goodness. Pixeland is a PVP Win2Earn gaming platform that will allow players to bet Solana in a variety of strategy games.

  • SolTires - P2E Drag Racing game

    The most detailed cars you will find on any chain. Our 6,666 car NFTs are made up of a high quality image of a 3D car and are based on 18 car models. Each NFT's rarity is based on the model and its components.


    Solanus is a gameverse with multiple addictive and thrilling 3D multiplayer games where people will be able to play against real people for a chance to win $SOL. Every two weeks the game will be updated with new maps and competitions, stay tuned!

  • Bored Ninjas

    1,111 supply collection priced at 1 SOL each. “Dojo SweepStakes”, DAO implementation, More Utilities will be released according to the Community.

  • SolTires - The First Drag Racing Play2Earn game on Solana

    SolTires will make 6,666 NFT cars available. There will be 18 different models, each with its own set of characteristics, making some cars extremely rare. Our in-house designers handcrafted each vehicle.

  • Neon

    Buy, sell and trade digital collectables, built on Solana.

  • Snowcrash

    Snowcrash Labs is a premier NFT trading platform, bringing together diverse segments of technology, the creative arts, and digital innovation.

  • Pixel Food Truck

    "Pixel Food Truck is a collection of 111 Pixel Food Truck on Solana Collections. Every month, 50% of the proceeds from royalties will be donated to Ukrainian."

  • CryptoMemories

    We have a pretty unique data-driven project where we create a new NFT when the price of Bitcoin hits a new all-time high. All of these NFT arts are unique and represent the actual events, news and mood of the market at the time of this ATH.

  • CryptoRaverz

    8,888 Rave-Loving Characters revolved around the Rave Community, helping up-coming artists, give money back to the community, host free events for holders, vote on which donations to donate to. Which Special guests to bring on or who to collaborate with!!

  • G.O.A.T. ELVES

    G.O.A.T. ELVES - Limited 10,000 unique NFT's and a (P2E)Solana based blockchain game.

  • DarleyGo

    DarleyGo, a Solana Ignition Hackathon winner, is the world’s first myth-based NFT horse racing game based on Solana that allows players to train, race, breed, and collect NFT horses.

  • Soltype

    First web3 marketplace enabling the creation and trading of literary NFTs

  • MOTS Game

    MOTS Game is a P2E and NFT mining game under development on the Solana network.

  • Coinfra NFT Launchpad

    We provide an NFT project launchpad, utilizing a revenue-sharing model with Coinfra Samurai NFT. NFT projects from our launchpad are backed by Coinfra Samurai NFT holders, who receive 50% of our revenue weekly.

  • Dega Universe

    Introducing DE:Glory - an idle play-to-earn gaming project developed by DEGA Universe At DE:Glory, users’ individual gaming experience, social interaction and earning power are DEGA's main focuses.

  • LadderCaster

    A mobile-first, ladder-ranking strategy game and NFT player-to-player market built on Solana. LadderCaster’s economy is player-owned, where users truly have all the power to seamlessly buy, sell, or trade any resources or assets earned through playing.

  • Legends of Elumia

    Next Gen MMO on #Solana

  • FOXY

    Foxy is the cutest and the first multi-chain meme-coin!

  • Edensol

    Edensol is a fantasy gaming metaverse that combines fun-packed action with P2E features and the use of collectible NFTs.

  • Bull Solana

    $BULL is a project with the goal of becoming the largest operational platform in DeFi and the crypto-space as a whole, building a competitive crypto ecosystem.

  • Socialogue

    Socialogue is a Social NFT Marketplace with integration into Metaverse. Socialogue is a revolutionary platform, combining the booming markets - NFT, social media, and Metaverse.

  • OAZIZ Ecosystem

    OAZIZ ecosystem, a unique platform that offers a convenient field for buying and selling NFTs that hold real-world value. Our ecosystem is based on the idea of employing cutting-edge blockchain technology to provide the greatest possible user experience.

  • Mini Valley

    Mini Valley #solana is the RPG world that our free-to-play play-&-earn games will be based on and take place within.

  • DroidBits

    a unique 3d NFT and $DRB token

  • TheSuperSOL

    SuperSOL Some of the best 3D art on Solana - Staking - NFTlaunchpad - Marketplace - Metaverse

  • Meta Robots gen 2

    Meta Robots gen 2 is a collection of 333 metaverse residents on Solana blockchain. The whole metaverse will consist of 3 Meta Robots waves of 333 robots each.

  • Solport

    Community-ran Solana NFT marketplace that offers sellers and buyers rewards for their activity

  • CoralCube

    Solana NFT Marketplace & Aggregator

  • MoonRank

    Rarity service for Solana NFT

  • Sol Sniper

    Solana NFT analytics tool

  • Famous Fox Federation

    The Famous Fox Federation, the most famous NFT collection on Solana

  • Reborn Dinos

    A cool community that all want to achieve the same thing, financial freedom. Join our DAO and become one of us.

  • Ninja Club

    Ninja Club Game is a P2E and NFT Mining/PVP game developed on the Solana network.

  • Collectify

    An NFT-as-a-Service(NaaS) Platform Empowering NFT Creators

  • Silent Skull Society

    Silent Skull Society is a generative NFT set. Each PFP is unique as the traits are 100% hand-drawn with over 1 billion possible combinations.

  • MigoosNFTs

    We have a full doxxed team in which we have some great designs due to our great designers in the team who have worked on Spotify, Nike, Oreo, Google, LG...? We have a very solid and long term project with an incredible roadmap and team

  • Exchange Art

    Leading digital fine art marketplace on Solana powering the creator economy in the digital world

  • Pixel Dino Club

    666 Pixel Dino Club roaming the Solana Blockchain

  • GameYoo

    GameYoo Social Gamefi which provides the bridge to gamers' traditional in-game assets quickly, securely, and easily minted into unique NFTs. connecting all of your games and minting your unique NFT, which includes all of your achievements.

  • The Pixel Sweepers Club

    We are here to sweep ? the floor & make Profit for our holders ?

  • Pixels NFT - The Rhino Kingdom

    Pixels NFT will be launching its first collection of endangered species - The Rhino kingdom. A collection of 8888 NFT with real world use cases. A part of the mint amount will be donated to the NGOs for conservation efforts.

  • Tap Fantasy

    Tap Fantasy METAVERSE is an MMORPG blockchain game,Building the biggest Play2Earn NFT game on Solana and BSC. It is the metaverse version of the famous MMORPG game TAPTAP FANTASY. Tap Fantasy has designed more than 200 ACG characters and NFT skins.

  • Mad Giants DAO

    Welcome to Mad Giants DAO! A collection of 4444 pixel giants on Solana Blockchain. A collection from beginners for beginners.

  • KeplerHomes

    Kepler is an MMORPG game combining real-time PVE/PVP combat, player socialization, simulation and other game play.

  • The Habibi

    ?? 3333 Emiratis here to BUILD Habibi ?? YALLAH HABIBI

  • Cute Minions

    Cute Minions #solana is the RPG world that our free-to-play play-&-earn games will be based on and take place within.

  • Legends of Aria

    Legends of Aria is a play-and-earn NFT MMORPG inspired by games like Runescape and Ultima Online. The game features 30+ trainable skills, 35+ square miles of open land, and a custom housing/land system allowing you to build and design your house!

  • Viking Royale

    Welcome to NFT RPG Viking Royale. These guys are inspired by RPG games and now you can have your very own. 777 unique different RPG Viking Royale. Grab yourself a plucking friend and you might catch a rare one!

  • Pummel Birds

    What is Pummel Birds DAO? Pummel Birds DAO - is a collection of 666 generated NFTs on the SOLANA blockchain. Each NFT is unique and has its own rank, depending on which the holders will receive a different amount of $PBD.

  • Bad Penguins

    Gaming and NFT Tool brand, %80 profit sharing from Plunder Box & NFT Sender Tool.

  • Abstract.sol

    What is our goal We are a team of artists who want to prove to the NFT - world that simple abstract art can have high price and have a good utility

  • Fluffy Bunnies

    What about Fluffy Bunnys Wheel Gambling NFT game ? You will have the chance to spin the wheels with the nfts you have minted, if you wish, you can spin the wheels with your own left-hand wallet network.

  • Mythic Mayans

    Mythic Mayan warriors fighting for the kingdom of Solana ?

  • Raiden Ninjas

    What Are Raiden Ninjas? "Raiden Ninjas are play to earn game on Solana Collections"

  • Marys Cats NFT

    What Are Marys Cats? "Marys Cats are donation to cats NFTs project on Solana Collections"

  • GhostLand Studio

    "GhostLand Studio is a collection of 226 GhostLand Studio on Solana Collections"

  • Nekoverse

    Nekoverse is a Mass multiplayer RPG P2E game built on Solana. Each Neko NFT will represent one character/unit to participate in Nekoverse game. These NFTs also provide exclusive access to multiple future airdrops of in-game items and Beta Gameplay access..


    BRITARIA™ is an open-world MMORPG in which you can claim land, build virtual homes, conquer beasts and your fellow man, craft items, collect rares and resources, dominate the arena, and more!

  • The Render Network

    The Render Network connects artists looking to render next-gen 3D media with near unlimited GPUs in a decentralized global network.

  • Pixiz

    Pixiz is a high-stakes, risk-based RPG game built on the Solana Blockchain

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60,963.61 USDT
3,368.69 USDT
570.68 USDT
1.02 USDT
135.96 USDT
1.00 USDT
7.59 USDT
0.47720 USDT
0.12210 USDT
0.39050 USDT
185.47 USDT
68907.76 USDT
1.3017 USDT
0.2652 USDT
0.1795 USDT
3298.78 USDT
4.6225 USDT
0.5801 USDT
0.012619 USDT
0.136 USDT
FTX Token
1.4051 USDT
0.2683 USDT
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2024-07-27 20:30
2024-07-27 19:00
比特币保持涨势 坚守在 67,000 美元以上 三大潜力币 散户创造财富奇迹的机会
2024-07-27 18:31
Magnify Cash宣布其原生代币$MAG的正式发布
2024-07-27 18:30